The Times Online reported recently that younger music fans are beginning to prefer the sound of MP3s to better quality sound.
Jonathan Berger, Professor of Music at Stanford University, California has theorised that young people are getting used to the sound of MP3s to the point where they are beginning to prefer the sound. For the past eight years his students have taken part in an experiment in which they listen to songs in a variety of different forms, including MP3s. “I found not only that MP3s were not thought of as low quality, but over time there was a rise in preference for MP3s” Professor Berger said.
Professor Berger says that the (presumably lower bit rate) digitising process leaves music with a “sizzle” or a metallic sound.
Google let me down when I was searching for the original paper or quote from JB. Just wonder if he actually said MP3 as most iPods are loaded with AACs? However, does it matter? At 128kbs both sound pretty rough.
Seems us older music fans should play as much vinyl as possible.